We’re off-grid and we looked at the Tesla battery storage system. Still too expensive, but could work for us in the future. There is so much farmland around here with the 20 year leases and ugly solar panels. Fields and fields usurped by them. One wonders what will happen to the farming that could have happened. Will we starve? Will the cows starve? Then one wonders what will happen to all those panels once the leases are up.

I like silver, especially in jewelry….

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1Author

the battery storage system is too expensive for retail use - but with governments footing the bill, they are going to sell..... We have the same wind/solar farm issues here, it really bothers me. I suspect that when the leases are up the Government is so dim-witted, they will probably just renew.... It is astounding all the places you find silver - Vitamins, incubators, skin care products, computer motherboards, electrical wires, bandages (for burn victims), batteries, phones, and of course, Jewelry :-)

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I actually have mutual funds that hold silver. Your recommendations are usually sound. Not a fan of the invisible coin, bitcoin or others. My roots are in the early age of computing. Prefer real estate to vaporware.

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Jun 3Liked by Bagholder

Hi bag, couldn’t stop by for a long time so I obviously have to comment on this one. My believe in teslas unique position as a tech company in a “traditional” competition environment stands. But there are some critical voices and must see YouTube videos. Not saying they would change my overall estimation but Tesla is and will be a very hot potato. With the rest I totally agree. I would though consider 1chia to 4bitcoin. It’s really hard to not come off as some shitty coin promoter BUT it’s legit and has some serious potential. Already the only crypto company that has real world customers (world bank) and targets a red hat business model. Rumors say casinos and luxury brands might become the first private industries so it defines something to look into. Main reason though are the talent behind it. BitTorrent inventor bram cohen is the real deal. Child prodigy and one time responsible for 80% of the worlds internet traffic running through his protocols (BitTorrent) and gene Hoffman who unknown to most is basically the brain and driver behind the original iTunes Store. Just listen two both for a few minutes and you feel the competence. Now that’s not a guarantee for success but a welcome change to a lot of BSers out there. IPO is incoming so that also something to keep an eye on. Anyway just wanted to tell u because you are open and allways changing your mind with new information. Be careful with Tesla and maybe watch some of the devastating YouTube videos just to be sure you have seen them. Probably some left wing haters ;) but still responsible to know about them. And they are really funny. Gotta go hope to read through the posts of the last months soon

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Thanks for stopping by... Chia may have some potential as you say, but - they are not decentralized, nor are they proof of work. Those are 2 things that make Bitcoin the unicorn it is. There are 10,000 cryptos out there competing with Chia, there are no cryptos doing what Bitcoin is doing. BitTorrent provides protocols for riding on top of Bitcoin rails. I for one, prefer the rails themselves, to anything that rides on top - again - because there is no competition as far as the rails go.....One last point worth mentioning is this: In the investment markets, the winner takes it all. Nvidia is up 100 fold, in the same time frame the next biggest chip maker on the planet (intel) is down 40%. Google is rewarding stockholders with obscene returns, how is the 2nd best search engine doing? In a digital age, Bitcoin is the largest computer network (by a 100x) on the planet - there is no 2nd best. They are the winner, just buy them.....As for Tesla, i've seen the videos. Like i said in the article above, those videos are the exception, not the rule. The insurance rates tell you all you need to know. Even still, As much upside as Tesla has, It is not the (near) sure thing Bitcoin & Silver are, IMHO.

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they are not decentralized - actually highest node count (which equals decentralization) => highest Nakamoto coefficient.

nor are they proof of work - True that's what makes it so killer in an ESG environment (climate dictatorship). its proof of space and time which is in spirit proof of work (no shortcuts) but energy efficient. some new math needed to be invented to make it work and VDFs worked out. most experts thought it could never be done. its not some proof of stake

There are 10,000 cryptos out there competing with Chia, there are no cryptos doing what Bitcoin is doing - what bitcoin is doin in my eyes is the case for digital gold. that's great and good enough. but what everybody else sees is the future of smart money, digital contracts, tokenization etc... so that's why everybody is so excited for ETH (which has major flaws) but what I would like to address is the 10.000 shittycoin argument. if you really look into blockchains there are maybe 10 relevant candidates. of these around half (5) are non commercial (means public blockchain BUT no commercial entity - in my eyes bound to fail). And these will in the next years either take market share or not. but bitcoin is not really competing here. Bitcoin is Digital Gold and doesn't want to be more (in broad terms) . So the 10.000+ argument is kind of an Mom and Pops argument (which might be great for keeping them save) but I think it doesn't really makes sense for someone looking to find the one future performer.

BitTorrent provides protocols for riding on top of Bitcoin rails - not really. Bittorrent is the premier Peer-2-Peer protocol that destroyed Hollywood and the Music industry as we knew them. Before it there were digital platforms but they utilized a client/server model (e.g. Napster) which was easy for lawyers to battle. bitcoin came I think around 6 years later BUT what's interesting Satoshi only referenced BitTorrent and no other software and the name is obviously an homage.

Google is rewarding stockholders with obscene returns, how is the 2nd best search engine doing? - That's a great point and I try to answer: Google is not rewarding them with ungodly returns because they are a good search engine :) but because they are a dominant force that controls more or less the internet. And that would be exactly the case to be not too bullish with bitcoin - at least when it comes to adoption. See there will be all these big bank ETFs financial instruments etc. because well you are the best proof. BUT that doesn't mean Bitcoin will run under the hood of the digitalization and tokenization trend. It may still be by far the best investment opportunity etc. and I don't wat to argue with that. Just saying there is more going to happen than just people owning Bitcoin.

The main question though is how much higher would the reward need to be for some other investment to offset the clear risks. chatGPT showed us in one month what hype nowadays can do. If a coin ever goes over 10k it may be over with Bitcoins dominance. because same reasons. Not saying that will happen but I would definitely argue that nothing is certain. A Blockchain is per definition a decentralized database and less a computer network. But we don't want to go into the depths. I get the everything else is BS argument but it will be decided by CTOs of mayor banks and cooperations and they are well some of the smartest brains and nerds on the planet. Their love for Bitcoin is very limited - at least as infrastructure for their own fields of responsibility.

This is basically the IBM argument for a limited amount of computers :)

Who needs more from a blockchain we have bitcoin. Till everyone realizes what power can be unleashed with true smart contracts etc.

Sorry for going of on a tangent here. Just ensuring one day you come back to this post :)

It's just super fascinating to see how Bitcoin is becoming this established Asset (something changed the last 12-24 months) - so seems to be a no brainer. the one thing I argue though is that people truly get what they invest in. considering that most people just care for returns and if somebody would have sold you golden tulips and it turns out they are gold well who cares ... but can something be really a super obvious ultra performer if everybody already knows it? I don't know but curious ...

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