A Prosecutor and a Felon walk into a bar… No, let me try again … a Prosecutor and a Felon Run for President. Bag wishes he could tell you, It’s only a joke…
How is it possible that every time this country holds a presidential election, we are always choosing between the lesser of two evils? In the last 40 years, neither political party has managed to nominate a single candidate Bag thought would do the country some good. The winners of those elections, regardless of the letter after their name, have ALL spent like drunken sailors, shipped jobs overseas, grown the MIC (military-industrial complex), and accelerated our culture’s continued slouch towards Gomorrah. The current iteration of political clown world presents as an option between a convicted felon and the poster child for DEI.
Trump supporters would be quick to claim he is only a convicted Felon because his trial was … as Fielding Mellish would say … “A Travesty, of a mockery, of a sham.” Perhaps his trial was a sham, but consider this: His last campaign manager and his deputy campaign manager are both convicted Felons, His national security advisor is a convicted Felon, His chief strategist is a convicted Felon, two of his trade advisors, his campaign fixer, his personal lawyer, and Foreign policy advisor are ALL convicted Felons. Even the CFO of his company is a convicted Felon. At some point, whether the trial was legitimate or not, he should be judged by the company he keeps.
Admittedly, the US judicial system that has branded Trump and his cronies as felons is completely and utterly corrupt. Thomas Sowell has pointed out that “widespread judicial corruption is evidenced by the fact honest, hardworking folks are terrified to walk into a courtroom, while true criminals swagger in and out.” Say what you want about Trump, but he does have a swagger. It was on display outside the courtroom of his latest criminal trial, or for that matter, any of his 1/2 dozen trips to bankruptcy court. Coupling his criminal resume with his narcissistic, egotistical, and obnoxious manner is utterly nauseating.
Sadly, Harris is no better. Her resume is consistent with having flunked out of the “Ron Swanson” School of Management - whose motto is: never half-ass a bunch of things when you can whole-ass one thing. In a decade+ as a half-ass DA, she transformed San Francisco from one of the most desirable cities on the planet in which to live into an absolute crime-ridden shit-hole. She parlayed that into a gig as California AG, where she destroyed jobs by regulating dozens of US corporations (Tesla, HP, Schwab, Toyota, Oracle, et al.…) into moving out of state - while at the same time welcoming with open arms illegal immigrants, career criminals, and the homeless. Her time as a US senator is another giant string of failures; she sponsored over 40 bills in her tenure, ranging from Universal basic income to Government-paid transgender surgeries to slave reparations … fortunately, not a single one became law. But, thanks to her DEI bona fides of gender and skin color over merit, she was selected as the Vice president, where she was named “Border Czar.” Of course, she half-assed that too.
While Trump’s personality borders on unbearable, Harris, if you can believe it, is worse. Her pretentious and condescending manner is truly Orwellian. Bag could handle being talked to like a 3rd grader if it were coming from an Einstein-like genius trying to dumb down his findings so we plebes could understand. But when talked down to by someone who clearly resides in the lower left corner of the IQ bell curve, well, it makes Bag want to vomit. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of Kamala is her choice to run a tightly controlled campaign void of press conferences, off-the-cuff interviews, Podcasts - or anything at all where we could actually get to know the person. As despicable as Trump might be - he did more tweeting and held more press conferences in one week of his presidency than Biden/Harris has done in 4 years. Instead, we are left only with the carefully scripted, heavily filtered, sound-byte-driven, focus-group-tested, mainstream media version of who Kamala, supposedly is.
What you won’t hear from the media is Kamala got her start by having an affair with her boss, the long-time powerful San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. In exchange for occasionally housing Willie’s genitalia, she was put on the ticket as San Francisco DA. From there, in true Peter-principle fashion, she has displayed a remarkable talent for failing upwards. The primary driver of her career’s upward trajectory is accruing more power for the sake of power, no matter the cost and regardless of the damage left in her wake. She shares This trait with some of the worst rulers in the planet's history - we are talking Caligula, Nero, Pol Pot, and Stalin - to name a few. Yeah, from a motivational - what makes them tick - point of view, those are her peers. Drunk on power, they all (including Kamala) displayed a careless disregard for the citizenry over which they presided. Have you been to San Francisco lately? Have you seen our southern border? Bag is terrified at the prospect of a president who is in it only for the power.
Trump is no saint either, but by comparison, his flaws are harmless and limited in scope. Having been around money and power his whole life, those things do not motivate him in the least. Trump’s biggest flaw is the fact he is a slave to image, caring way too much about what others think of him, and his brand. His insecurities have sculpted his entire persona into one prolonged, repulsive exercise of self-aggrandizement. He is a walking-talking modern-day version of Shakespeare’s King Lear. Trump’s primary motivation is legacy. It consumes him.
Consequently, most of his decisions, like Lear's, are made with an eye toward how he will be perceived. If he wants the adoration of the citizenry - and he does - he will do right by them. While his insecurities and manner are troublesome, it is difficult to argue with the results of his first term. He is the only president in Bag’s lifetime who didn’t get us into a war. He lowered Bag’s taxes, maintained a secure border, and subdued inflation.
How broken is our system that the only two options we have in the upcoming presidential election are Trump, the Shakespearian tragedy … and … Harris, the power-hungry product of DEI? There is no doubt they are both deeply flawed human beings. While Trump is loaded with personality defects, at least he sports a track record of achievement. In sharp contrast, Harris, with the possible exception of manipulating Mayor Willie Brown’s - ahem - Staff …. sports a track record of abject failure. Bag supposes that makes Trump the lesser of two evils….
What a sick Joke.
Would you like your shit sandwich on White bread or Wheat bread? I don't care what your answer is, you are eating a shit sandwich because that is what is on the menu. If you choose to forsake the sandwich, The Ministry of Sandwiches will choose one for you.
Based upon your own admissions in this article -- AND the historical record -- it's entirely dishonest to equate the two candidates for President.
Glad you had the sense to recognize Trump's superior qualifications, but not without unfairly and unnecessarily demeaning him in the process.