The process is the punishment. Facing bankruptcy and a destroyed family, many people plead out, especially in Federal Court.

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Bag, I like, I will post and promote this....Bag, you know I is a Trumpi but thats ok, I saw things he did that were good for minorities while on the inside...but I love your work here...excellent...

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I see you were a bit hard on our boy but we will take it...he is the only option...today...we need at times the bitter with the sweet and he has issues too...he is not perfect. take pride, most have their heads up assess cupping and washing balls...you are in the club of non-cuppers. I admire that, so am I.

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Perhaps the best way to convert Kamala supporters to Trump supporters is to reinforce their pre existing beliefs to make them open to what you have to say - before hitting them with the truth. Spoon full of sugar, to make the medicine go down. This article wasn’t written for Trump supporters, it was written to persuade undecideds & Kamala followers. Thanks for the thoughts!

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Yup. Hate the lesser of two evils choice but I guess it’s what our society deserves.🙏🏼

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Based upon your own admissions in this article -- AND the historical record -- it's entirely dishonest to equate the two candidates for President.

Glad you had the sense to recognize Trump's superior qualifications, but not without unfairly and unnecessarily demeaning him in the process.

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What part exactly did I get wrong?

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Kathleen is a wicked smart, and huge daddy T supporter...I think she likes your work...I did...but there are folk like Kathleen and I confess me too in DC, who would cut 45's lawn if he asked. I have your stuff up, its coming...good work...gentle on Kathleen, she means well...to get a praise from her means you did good work Bag.

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Would you like your shit sandwich on White bread or Wheat bread? I don't care what your answer is, you are eating a shit sandwich because that is what is on the menu. If you choose to forsake the sandwich, The Ministry of Sandwiches will choose one for you.

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