You closed this article with something I said just a few days ago about the silver market in my Twitter feed...pretty funny. The tail wagging the dog is apropos for what is going on in the silver and gold market. The same old tricks meant to keep the masses from investing in metals, due to years of manipulations and misguided pitchmen selling silver at all time highs, trapping longs and then buying back at lower price...rinse and repeat. I guess they got sick of doing it via retail so they got the big money to come in and take positions, long or short, which then they would take the counter trade and beat them into submission too. Smart money is mostly dumb money in my opinion...cause its always chasing the next big thing.

The markets today are no different. Except those who are buying physical silver don't care if it goes up or down right now...they just want to bleed the COMEX dry...and it looks like that day might just come sooner than expected. As the registered numbers drop daily, so are the eligible numbers too.

Thanks for bringing this up again...I think its important to keep everyone in the know. I posted this to Twitter too.

Let the games begin...time is running out.

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Truth be told, I would have thought the Jig would have been up 15 years ago - but they came out with SLV & funneled people into that & away from physical.... It wouldn't shock me if these sociopaths pull another rabbit out of their ass, and manage to kick the can down the road even further.....What I find most compelling about the persistent backwardation - is there is no other plausible explanation for people's refusal to pick up the free cash. It makes me believe the default is imminent.

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Gresham's Law...comes to mind. One of the fintwit guys I follow suggested this will come into play, now that the FED has raised rates another 75 basis points. It looks like we are going terminal.

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I believe your point is spot on.

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