Apr 11Liked by Bagholder

Always good to read one of your blogs and how you relate it to one of my favorite series. I agree with pretty much everything here and I'm seriously considering getting a coin or two myself.

I can't really agree with what you say about bitcoin being the perfect separation from state and currency. The government controls the banking regulations. Just like it was possible to play poker on-line and win money in an overseas account, it was near impossible to get that money transferred into a US bank. Reporting bitcoin profits is already a part of our tax returns. In the end, governments may simply say everyone has to turn in their bitcoin for USCoin by a certain date or they lose access to them, just like confiscation of gold in the 1930's.

I don't see government being disconnected from how money is moved around in any form. It's going to be controlled, monitored, and taxed. Even though they can't "print more bitcoin", they could perhaps manipulate fractional banking of bitcoin to just "create" more as needed. Or, just say you can own bitcoin, but you must transact business in USCoin.

The debt level is getting ridiculous. Gold and silver are sharply up just these past weeks. Inflation is also going up and it's looking like there won't be any lowering of the interest rates this year to curb inflation. Trump, if elected is going to raise tariff's 100% on China. That's going to blow up inflation even more.

Buy land, gold, silver, art, collector coins, and houses - take on debt like you said. Then just bring in a wheelbarrow of fiat currency to your local bank in 10 years and pay off all your debt.

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