Apr 17, 2022Liked by Bagholder

Aged 58, I now know I could give the order to shoot.

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Bagholder

If we aren't slaves, why do we recite a pledge of allegiance as kids to a piece of cloth and a republic, a pledge written by a socialist and not adopted by CONgress until 1942 during war time? The government is supposed to be loyal to us, not the other way around, we pay them. It's also why they swear a vow to defend the Constitution, as any good servant would do.

And if we aren't slaves why did we adopt one of the main planks of the communist manifesto, a graduated and progressive income tax? That was just one of the good planks?

Another example of slavery...when I was studying to be a paralegal I asked several lawyers how the military draft didn't violate the 13th Amendment which outlawed "slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." Yes, you are legally a slave if you're in prison. However, how is the draft not involuntary servitude. Nobody could answer so I researched it. A draft was instituted in WWI because nobody in their right mind wanted to go fight in war in Europe, of course. One guy challenged the draft citing the 13th Amendment as one of his reasons. It got all the way to the Supreme Court where they dismissed his 13th Amendment argument as "unreasonable," not further quotation of history or law. Shut up and do what you're told.

As a side note, the fact that there has been no draft in the US in almost 50 years yet our youth have been legally obligated to register is just another absurdity of government. Imagine the time and paperwork involved, as well as how many do-nothing, paper-shuffling .gov jobs does it create and tax money wasted to support it and their pensions. Is there anything the government does better than shuffle papers and steal our rights and our wealth? I'm surprised they don't charge you to register.

I guess that was a powerful cup of coffee. hah

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Bagholder

Check out freedom to fascism. Great video a bit dated but divulges all our taxes we pay goes into the April 15th as there is no law.

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Bagholder

Also to extend the analogy, business owners are also slaves because they are forced to ask permission and pay fees for licenses to even operate a business. They are also forced to collect sales taxes for the "privilege" of doing business plus deduct taxes out of the slave employees to send in to the masters so we can have forever wars and a massive government. Hey, somebody has to pay for all the 6-figure government pensions!

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seem to recall reading a while back that mcdonalds get government subsidy for some employees

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Bagholder

As one of my good buddies once said..."We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." A.L.

Men, that time has come. Either you stand against the pervs and corrupt or kneel before them for the rest of your days.

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Haven't seen Cool Hand Luke in forevs. I'll have to go back and watch. Thanks Bagholder!

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Bagholder

Great read! Keep up the good work Bag

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