I love the way you articulate your thoughts...vivid, with a laugh...Elephantiasis of the Balls?

Aside from the humor...I am a little surprised at the length of time this Silver play has been in the works...but if you stand to gain 100-1000x in returns...why not. I can only imagine how many will be left holding the bag with SLV. One other insider I know exposed the charade that is SLV and the ongoing shortages at the CME. I am surprised with the info that is being made public, they don't pull the plug on this whole thing...maybe its because not enough know about it, cause if they did, you would most likely see a drop in the SLV, instead of all the gains.

So, one can puchase and hold physical...but also buy some silver leaps...as a trade? I have a chunk of change...a big chunk. Looking for some 100 baggers...lol

Love your insight and the way you write...Thanks.

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Thanks for the kind words… It has taken a long time, but these are big picture guys who are playing the long game, that is how you know they are in this for zeroes….Not much of a leaps/options guy myself, much prefer monster boxes.

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Retirement funds need to find a home. Considered a Gold IRA, but they seem sketchy.

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I read the post you published back in 2013 regarding the silver market then...and where we are today. What is the difference in your sentiment from 2013 to today and why do you think this silver shortage is real.

I contacted an online Silver company I have purchased from in the past and asked if I could buy a few dozen 1000oz Silver bars...the rep said sure. I asked for delivery to a depository...he said no problem. I asked if i could do the transfer today...he said I could, provided he wired funds were in their account before the end of the day.

I see the same thing happening in consumer goods. The news says there are shortages all over the country, yet when I go to Costco, BJ's, Giant and some local produce stores, they are loaded to the gills with inventory and are constantly replenishing.

So, are these shortages imagined, hyped up, created or real? I know unicorns aren't real, yet its difficult to discern what is real in the real world...is this by design, meant to confuse and obfuscate?

Disinformation is destructive to those looking to make decisions...and verifying is always a must, when the information defies, what one sees with his very own eyes.

Interested in your thoughts...

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The difference between today & 2013 is the silver shortage is even greater, as evidenced by the continually rising premiums on both sides of the trade. In 2013 the premiums on the ask side had just started to rise, while there was very little increase on the bid side premiums. This tells me they wanted to scare away potential buyers, but still had enough supply coming in they didn't need to increase their bids. Silver eagles in the 90's with silver at $5 were bid spot, ask 50 cents over (10% premium to spot)....by 2013 with silver at $22, bid was still spot ask was $5 over (20% premium to spot). Today with silver at $22, bid is spot + $3.50, ask is $8 over (35% premium). Couple important points, 1. the rising bid price, which was not present (or just starting) in 2013 says they are running out of supply. 2. the continually rising ask price, means they do not want people getting long. 3. It is not just eagles, 10 oz bars, 100 oz bars, rounds, 90% - they are all bid strong, and in short supply, guaranteed. ..... As for your rep with the commercial 1000 oz bars, that is the one kind of silver still readily available, as the public does not like them (they are like 70 pounds - i use one as a doorstop) - ask him if he has a 100 monster boxes for sale AND when can you expect delivery, if he does and delivery is immediate, I want his name...... As for shortages in grocery stores, I see some here in Arizona, but I suspect most of it is BS designed to explain away rising prices.

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I did speak to the rep about 100oz bars, which make sense, if redeeming them in smaller quantities is something one decides to do in the future. The price of rounds, either Maple leaf or Eagles is obnoxious...I won't buy based on principle and principal. I didn't go any further asking about monster boxes, just because the price point was not reasonable.

100oz bars are more to my liking, although moving a lot of them isn't.

Are you a buyer in this market? Or do we still have some blood letting to go in the overall markets?

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Notice how the high prices relative to spot discourage you from getting long... Always a buyer, for the right price....

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I am going long on Silver, just not in the retail packaged rounds, which command the higher premium. If those who know something big is coming around the corner in the silver market, not premium is going to deter them from buying. How many times in the past have we heard "this time is different?" Too many...and every time its the same regurgitated crap, year in year out.

I find it interesting how much time has passed between the first article you wrote on Silver, to this last one. Question is...how many more years are we going to wait until the charade in the PM markets is dismantled? The curtains have been pulled back exposing the shenanigans, yet nothing has changed. What ever happened to the Basel III implementation? Wasn't it supposed to due away with the unallocated position limits which were used to suppress the prices of gold and silver?

This time is no different...at least, not from my perspective. The fact 1000oz bars are still available in volume, tells me the big players aren't buying. If they were, the supply would be swallowed up by those who are already cornering the market. I can only imagine what 800,000,000 oz of Silver looks like.

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1000oz bars are now feeling the pinch as well.

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Feel like an idiot bag. Could you elaborate for dummies on the meaning of all these word? Bids, spot price, premium to spot, ask side, bid spot etc.

Being not a native speaker it’s sometimes hard to understand the precise meaning.

Premium is the markup to a given price I need to pay right?

This is allready super confusing for me because I would expect something to be the price. Now I understand that if I go with paper silver then I get a price A and if I go with physical silver I get a price B (which should in theory only be different as far as features are different). When do premiums become part of the officials price of a silver ounce? Are they considered or is this the whole problem?

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Bid is the price being offered by someone who wants something, while Ask is the price at which someone who has something is offering it for sale. Spot price is the price at which the item last traded hands. For instance Gold closed at $1970 on Friday, so technically the spot is $1970. The bid price is probably about $1969, while the ask is about $1971. The Bid & Ask prices should be very close in an honest market. When the difference (called the “spread”) between bid & ask starts to widen, that indicates a broken or rigged market….. hope that helps.

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Yes thx bag!

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Following up on where we left off...

I have spoken to my rep about monster boxes(500 count). They are readily available for purchase. I can buy as many as I want, but anything over 100K, needs to have funds deposited into their account in order to hold.

It seems the shortage in Silver rounds was a short term issue which revolved around the facilities which take the silver bars, melt them down into silver rounds, then punch them out into your favorite finished product, were short on staff and time to absorb the huge increase in demand. It seems these same facilities were hit by Covid and suffered the same issues many other manufacturing facilities encountered.

I think the demand is there, but wondering how many more years of smacking down the price of Silver, every time it hits the 200 MDA is going to be allowed to persist. Its a reasonable question...one many would like to know why the fraud that is rampant in these markets is allowed to go on. Why would anyone in their right mind buying anything from these charlatans, knowing their investment is going to be capped or should I say knee-capped going forward?

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Wish I had the answer as to how long its going to take. We still may be years away. Just the fact the bids are being raised on almost everything speaks volumes. Thing is, these guys are in it to make some serious scratch - when the time comes, the move will be huge.

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For me, I'm out. Ag is the some of the most manipulated garbage on the planet. I had Monsterboxes of Eagles I started buying in 2003. Sold it all several years ago and paid off the house, never looked back. I just couldn't take it anymore, plus moving and storing the stuff is a pain.

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I get it…It is a frustrating market for sure, and you are right, it is manipulated. Once you accept that premise, the questions are why and what is their plan. The only answers which even seem plausible are layed out in this article …. As for the signs which should be present when the manipulation is coming to an end, give my “Learn from the Titans” article a read.

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I did read Learn from the Titans, outstanding read. For me it's a matter of timing, what is that saying about the markets "staying irrational longer than you can stay liquid..." I agree with everything you wrote, I just have shifted my focus from Ag and Au to exclusively Au.

I still think owning some Ag makes sense - it may someday be accepted as currency by gas stations, grocery stores, etc.

Thanks again, I appreciate your work and have added you to my regular reading.

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Definitely easier to sleep at night with AU.....Though when the day comes there will be more $$ in AG....Hope I live long enough to see the day

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