Jan 3Liked by Bagholder

I got a ban for saying the only good politician is a dead one

Hate speech

So I refused to delete it and started a new account. This new account is hidden, suppressed and pointless but I refuse to delete my comment from the original

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There are no super heroes. Bed time stories, a comfort to a child, has no place in the reality of the responsible adult. Good and bad are judgements and differ by culture. Truth is gold.

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Jan 3Liked by Bagholder

Non mi stupisco più di niente , stiamo vivendo in un epoca fatta di menzogne è culto satanico ! Si da il valore solo ai soldi , l'amore svanisce , cresce solo il odio grazie a queste persone ricche.La gente comune litigano di continuo perché hanno subito un lavaggio del cervello ! Pare che Musk ha un piede in due scarpe , fa il buonista e da l'altra parte mantiene buoni rapporti con il governo per i suoi rendi conti

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Agreed, nobody that popular on any level is anti-government. Also I remember just 3 or 4 years ago Musk was a legend with the left, no? Now they all hate him. (That's what I hear from others anyway, I never ingest lame stream media unless by accident).

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