Enjoyed the read and my thought upon it ! Back decade or so ago was robbed of 500 Troy of au. Few that I know know little of bitcoin .. that’s a space which needs a fill in ! Just the imagination can make one a battery living in cyberspace and losing what Anchors our (soul) eh? Who &How gets full and clear Concept of all the facets even the “mining” thing , kinda wondering

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It would be worth the time to learn about Bitcoin. Custody it yourself and you never have to worry about it disappearing like 500oz Au. Sorry to hear about that....

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May 15Liked by Bagholder

Raised my eyebrows at more than a few things in this article. The history lessons, so succinctly stated, draws (now obvious) connections that, I suspect, are certainly not taught in public schools. This article needs sharing!! And, I hope you get some well deserved bitcoin. I confess, I am a supporter, but don’t know how to do it this way (yet).

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Yes, well - history is where the wisdom is at - couldnt help but laugh at the irony of how the arguments King Henry made against the Printing press are the very same arguments government uses today to censor the internet. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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May 15Liked by Bagholder

BAGHOLDER: Name one thing the Government has ever given us?!

XERXES: The aqueduct?


XERXES: The aqueduct.

BAGHOLDER: Oh. Yeah, yeah. They did give us that. Uh, that's true. Yeah.

COMMANDO #3: And the sanitation.

LORETTA: Oh, yeah, the sanitation, Bagholder. Remember what the city used to be like?

BAGHOLDER: Yeah. All right. I'll grant you the aqueduct and the sanitation are two things that Government has done.

MATTHIAS: And the roads.

BAGHOLDER: Well, yeah. Obviously the roads. I mean, the roads go without saying, don't they? But apart from the sanitation, the aqueduct, and the roads--

COMMANDO: Irrigation.

XERXES: Medicine.

COMMANDO #2: Education.


BAGHOLDER: Yeah, yeah. All right. Fair enough.

COMMANDO #1: And the wine.

COMMANDOS: Oh, yes. Yeah...

FRANCIS: Yeah. Yeah, that's something we'd really miss, Bagholder, if the Government collapsed.

COMMANDO: Public baths.

LORETTA: And it's safe to walk in the streets at night now, Bagholder.

FRANCIS: Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order. Let's face it. They're the only ones who could in a place like this.

BAGHOLDER: All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, can you name anything at all the Government has made better?

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Ah yes, you refer to a world where watery tarts are lobbing swords to determine who gets to wield supreme executive power - in that fictional system like that, perhaps Government is capable of doing some good. Now go find me a shrubbery....

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