Sort of like fishing I guess.

The rewards are few and far between, but studying the shoreline, the water temperature, depth, and time of day, all can help you get your lure in good. You have to sit for hours, baking in the hot sun, balancing precariously as you piss off the side of the boat, scarfing down a ham sandwich between casts, which you will be doing most of the day and coming up dry. You may get a catch and see that monster so close to the boat, only to lose it in the river at the last second. Finally, you land one and you reel in the big guy; take it to the final dinner table. Sure beats humping the day shift in a corporate cubicle churning out TPS reports for some piece of shit ingrate of a boss.

Just like fishing actually...

And the three cigars were over $80.00 if I recall.

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My dad used to say, "Bid 'em high and sleep in the streets." Is that an old saying? I never heard anybody else say it but assumed it was.

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Jan 2Liked by Bagholder

That’s why it’s called fishing and not catching and gambling not winning

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