I was always accused of laziness by my mother because rather than going out to play boring games in the street I preferred to read in my room with my cat for company.

It was not until I was in my 40s that my lifetime of psycho-damage from my mother was abruptly brought to an end when I heard my Doctor berating his daughter using my "industriousness" as a fine example to hurt her!

I was stunned. I was also mortified that he had set me up for resentment from a friend I valued.

So - I escaped my mother's old negative assessment only to find myself on a pedestal that was perpetually rocked with snarky comments like "Ms Goody2Shoes"!

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Important to not let the words of others define you.... And even if they were true, you spent that time educating yourself by reading. Congrats, that is how you make those demons work for you, Mrs.goody2shoes.

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