I love your two cents. Every time I admire your writing style, your ability to convey information about complex issues in layman's terms. I especially love the idea of referencing the actions of Kissinger as those of a 'mafia boss'. Tickled me with its accuracy!

I may have to steal that.... xx

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I love your two cents. Every time I admire your writing style, your ability to convey information about complex issues in layman's terms. I especially love the idea of referencing the actions of Kissinger as those of a 'mafia boss'. Tickled me with its accuracy!

I may have to steal that.... xx

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The US has decimated those countries which tried to dethrone the dollar by trading for oil in gold. The leaders of those countries are no more. Now Russia, different animal altogether...they have the resources others need. They have the muscle to defend what's theirs. The BRICS keep adding trading partners to their ranks. Powell suggested earlier this year, we could see two reserve currencies. Weaponizing the dollar against Russia was the straw that will break our backs.

If you haven't taken the measures to protect yourself financially...out of dollars, as much as possible, you might be screwed. You will need various metals to keep what is yours...brass and lead to protect the silver and gold...don't forget to add to your food preps...without them you are no more.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Bagholder

Simply written so that a curious young adult can read and understand,

I admire your writing.

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curious about what to invest in and china and its collapsing housing market tho?

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I remember as a kid in the 60s Charles de Gaulle was ridiculed here in the US and I thought it was odd, wasn't France supposed to be an ally? Then I later realized all he attempted to do was get gold that was promised by the paper dollar. One of my first introductions to the lies of media and government.

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